Sponsors: Kim Lietz & Angela Pryzgoda
MAPPS (Mentoring and Positive Peer Support) members go to area middle schools during the spring to speak with 6-8th graders and provide presentations about the effects of drugs and alcohol, as well as talk about transitioning to high school and the sports and clubs offered at PCHS. During these events, the club practices developing panther pride with the younger generation of future panthers. A popular activity at these presentations is letting the kids do a variety of activities wearing “Drunk Goggles.” This lets the children see what it is like to be under the influence, and as a result, makes them aware of the negative, disorienting effects of alcohol.
In the spring, MAPPS members sponsor fun and educational activities during National Prevention Week. Chelsey Woodside from the Perry County Counseling Center comes to monitor, help set up, and operate these fun lunchtime activities. Some new features of the club are setting up awareness posters around the school during Red Ribbon Week.
Next, Mrs. Lietz plans on getting her MAPPS members together to welcome new students who come to the school, whether it be incoming freshmen or even new students in higher grades.
Upcoming events include “Save the Date” a free community event at Keyes Park, located in Du Quoin Saturday, September 17th from 10 AM - 3 PM. Mrs. Lietz hopes MAPPS members will be involved in many more public events over the course of the school year. “Overall, this club is aimed at making a positive difference in the lives of our students and community,” says Mrs. Lietz.
MAPPS meets in Mrs. Lietz's room and dues are $2 per member.

MAAPS Presents the check to Benton
MAAPS raised $1,800 for the families in mourning at Benton High School
Members of MAAPS included in this picture are Autumn Gulley, Allie Knapp, and Kennedi Bierman