Good Morning, I'm sure many of you are aware of a concern that we are dealing with. Please be patient with our phone system if you are calling in. Any student who misses today will be excused without question. We also have an increased security presence today as well. I assure you student safety is our primary goal and we will utilize every resource we have available

Use the link below to pre-register your pre-k-4th grade child for the "Pretty As a Prom Queen" event on November 19th.

Last week PCHS Junior and Senior students participated in Career Day at Rend Lake College. Students had the opportunity to learn about a variety of career programs, the financial aid process and take a tour of the college.

The PCHS Class of 2024 is hosting a fundraising event for kids age Pre-K - 4th grade. The "Pretty As a Prom Queen" event will be Saturday, November 19th in the PCHS Cafetorium, from 9 am to Noon. , You can register at the door, or request a pre-registration form by emailing Colby Bigham at cbigham@pchspanthers.com. Cost is $20 per child.
We hope to see you there!

The PCHS Variety Show showcased some incredible panther talent last night! We'd like to give a shoutout to all performers: PCHS Cheer, the Football Team, PCHS Class of '23, PCHS Poms, PCHS Chorus, Mason Swain, Austin Stanley, Aliyah Myers-Spencer, Eddie Hough, Cloe Heisner, Logan Kelly, and Treal Thies.
Mason Swain took third place with his rockin' performance of "Nothin But a Good Time," Cloe Heisner took home second with her beautiful rendition of "Rises the Moon, and our winner was Treal Thies with his incredible performance of "Riptide."
Mrs. Cushman and the PCHS Student Council would like to thank all those who made the show possible. Special thanks to: all the contestants for putting on an amazing show, our emcees, Sallee Collins & Asher Jausel, our judges, Colby Bigham, Casey Giacomo, & Kayla Priebe, Jerry Travelstead for running the sound, Ashley Bathon and The Flower Patch for the court flowers, Caitlin Carney for the sashes, Dan Herbst, The Trophy Room, Designs Unlimited, Dr. Tony Wilson and the PCHS faculty and Maintenance Staff. Thank you for making the show one to remember!

The PCHS Juniors would like to thank all of the local businesses who donated items for this year's Yeti Raffle! A special "thank you" goes out to Chad Rushing and Dr. Steele for their monetary donations to our prom fund. Our community is full of Panther Pride!

2022-23 Registration is happening now until 5p today and tomorrow from 8a-3p.
Also today please stop in the Auxiliary Gym to donate at the Beta Club Blood Drive! Must be 16 with a parent permission to donate. Age 17 and up can donate and all you need is your driver's license!

The Million Words Club is happy to share that in their first year at PCHS they have 31 members consisting of 28 students and 3 teachers! To become a member of the MWC, you must have read over 1 million words logged through our system. PCHS students read over 1,400 books, had 241 total readers, and over 117.7 million words read this school year! Students can begin adding books for next year starting June 1st. Keep reading, Panthers!
A special thank you to Rich Gossett, Financial Advisor and VP at First Mid Illinois Wealth Management, for sponsoring this year's shirts.

The PCHS Class of 2023 is happy to announce this year's prom will take place Friday, April 29th at PCHS. Prom attendees wishing to participate in promenade need to line up at the media center doors by 6:00 pm. Promenade and coronation are open to the public ($2 per person). Promenade will begin at 6:15 pm in the cafetorium and coronation will begin at 6:45 pm in the auxiliary gym. Prom tickets will be sold in Mrs. Bigham's room April 11th-14th ($15 per ticket).

Sending good luck wishes to the PCHS Archery Team as they compete at the NASP State Tournament today. Go Blue!!

I'm Ready!! I'm Ready!! I'm Ready!! Spongebob Squarepants the Musical is right around the corner. Tickets are still available in the District Office at PCHS and at Perry County Marketplace.

Attached you will find the GoFan links for pre-sale tickets for the Du Quoin Boys Basketball Regional games on February 19th and 23rd. We will send out the championship link next week. Tickets will be sold at the door at all sessions. Please let me know if you have any questions.
Du Quoin vs. Sparta Quarterfinal link
Semi-Final Link

PCHS and all surrounding schools are looking for substitute bus drivers, event drivers and possibly regular route drivers. A change in Federal law will make it more difficult to obtain a license beginning February 7th, 2022. If you are interested, NOW is the time. Contact the school at 618-357-5013 x111 for more info.

Just a reminder to RSVP by Wednesday, November 10th to the High School office if you would like to attend. Hope to see you there!

Beta Club would like to thank all of the donors for a very successful blood drive! Special shout out to the 20 first time donors!

PCHS Youth in Government and Beta Club are hosting a Veterans Day appreciation breakfast! Please see flyer for additional information.

Please share and consider contributing to this great cause!

Important Announcement:

Great Job #PantherNation! Our first two days are off to a running start! Keep it up.